Duo Sospiri
Kathrine Brandt, sang og gambe & Lars Hedelius-Strikkertsen, barokguitar
Duo Sospiri blev dannet i 2014. Vi er begge specialiseret i den tidlige musik.
Vi lægger stor vægt på at opnå så autentisk en lyd som muligt - derfor er sangen uden vibrato,
guitaren har tarmstrenge og spilles uden negle.
Kontakt os for at høre mere om hvilke programmer vi tilbyder, pris m.m.
Kathrine Brandt, voice and viol & Lars Hedelius-Strikkertsen, baroque guitar
Duo Sospiri was formed in 2014. We both specialize in early music.
It is of great importance to us that our sound is as authentic as possible - therefore the singing is without vibrato,
and the guitar is strung with gut strings and played without nails.
Duo Sospiri was formed in 2014. We both specialize in early music.
It is of great importance to us that our sound is as authentic as possible - therefore the singing is without vibrato,
and the guitar is strung with gut strings and played without nails.